My First Ruby Gem

 Published On August 12, 2016

In the past few months, I was focusing on a pretty cool project. The downside was that it’s purely based on Objective-C and I’ve been really busy, so I made very little progress of my Swift library. As I mentioned previously, it was not implemented as a pod since dynamic framework was not officially supported by cocoapods, and iOS 7 was still a thing back then.

Actually, it’s already used in a demo app WeatherPOV. To start using it as a pod, simply referencing it from the refactor/framework branch:

	pod "LFramework", :git => '', :branch => 'refactor/framework'
	pod "LFramework/LClient", :git => '', :branch => 'refactor/framework'

But there are still a bunch of things to make it a proper pod. Firstly I’d like to start with making everything public. I was using PHP as a scripting language for a long time, and tried to switch to Python but eventually went with Ruby since last year. As you can see in this Git repo, my attempt was still very immature, but I’m very happy to start doing it in a proper way: writing script using a decent language, and releasing scripts via standard way - currently I’m going with Ruby and of course Ruby gems.

In my first ruby gem swift-source-kit, currently there’s only one script: swift-make-all-public, which makes classes, structs, protocols etc. public.

# gem install swift-source-kit
# swift-make-all-public

Missing filename.
Usage: swift-make-all-public.rb [options]
    -i, --input-filename=NAME        Input filename
    -n, --not-replace                Input filename
    -h, --help                       Prints this help

The usage is very straight-forward, and it does jobs like this and this. I know it’s not very helpful since no one would start a Swift pod with local files anymore, but it worked for me, and I’m going to work on some other scripts later.

Tags: Mac OS X ruby gem swift


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