Adding New Targets to a Xcode Project

 Published On September 02, 2015

I’ve been working on a project with a lot of targets (10+) recently, and we’re keep adding new targets when new customer comes. It was built by someone else and it uses a different approach I would use myself, but the good thing is that it makes sense in its own way. However, I noticed that in some targets things were not done properly, so while I’m adding new targets, I’d also like to fix these and write something down to note what the proper process should be to add new targets to a Xcode project. I’d assume this project is a part of a Xcode workplace managed by Cocoapods, and is managed by Xcode 6 which is the current version whilst I’m writing this article.

My Way

If I’d do it in my way, it would be quite simple to describe: I’d create C / Swift compile flags in target settings to indicate which target it is, only put consts that I have to put (e.g. Facebook app ID) in info.plist files, and use #if … #elif … #endif` to manage all consts in code, with help of things like App Profile.

And that is not the way to go this time. Here’s how it works:

Adding Target

Normally you start with duplicating one of your current targets, and here the pain starts. Instead of asking you for a new target name, Xcode names it as OldTarget copy and the first thing you need to do is Change it to NewTarget, and search for the string copy inside the target settings, then change them to something looks nice, especially the Info.plist file. You also need to actually locate the file and rename it, and maybe do something more if you use xcconfig with it.


In the Info.plist file, you can set your own key/value pairs in a hard-coded way, or define them in xcconfigs and set values to ${VALUE_NAME_IN_XCCONFIG}. Either way, you’ll be getting these values from NSBundle:

NSDictionary* info = [[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary];
NSString* value = info[@"KEY"]


You can set up different xcconfigs for different targets, and assign them to different targets in your project setting. The cool thing about xcconfig is that you can set up some sort of dependencies to make the values more organized, which makes better than writing everything in Info.plist directly. For example, you can have a NewTarget.xcconfig like this:

#include "BaseTarget.xcconfig"

It’s not really better than using code as I would do myself, but if someone who hates code need to do some management using Xcode, then this will make him feel much better than editing #define KEY VALUE. However, you’ll need to be careful if you want to include multiple files that have the same keys, I’m not sure why but Xcode handles it in a werid way so I’d say avoid it. If you’re using Cocoapods, it also worths to mention that the typical approach is to create a NewTargetConfig.debug.xcconfig and a NewTargetConfig.release.xcconfig with contents like:

//	debug
#include "../Pods/Target Support Files/Pods/Pods.debug.xcconfig"
#include "NewTarget.xcconfig"

//	release
#include "../Pods/Target Support Files/Pods/Pods.release.xcconfig"
#include "NewTarget.xcconfig"

And assign them to different targets instead of using NewTarget.xcconfig directly, which is obvious.

What’s Next

I need to study more about automatic build solutions like FastLane to figure out the best practise of automating all these stuff later.

Tags: Xcode Target XCConfig


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