

01. Announce

Vocal Performanced by Leo

Damn, I know it’s maybe as stupid as a fuck, but I’ll play alone.


02. Intro (Original Sound Track: ‘Nocturne in the Moonlight’ of Castlevania X)

Written by Big Boy
Composed by Komani
Performanced by Dr. Doom
Super Art Studio Records

Hi yall:

a lot of people asked me
that what's the worst shit in the world
oh fuck it
i don't even wanna give a fuck to say that word

yea that's really too bad

but i've already got it in mind
that they shit be damned and burned in hell
for the motherfuckers that
that ever ruined others' dreams and made 'em hurt

well know that people have only one brain and heart
so isn't it too cruel to make 'em cry out?
can the very pain for 'em be healed on earth, can it not?

why do they always hurt those who ever love 'em?
and crabbing others' dreams like rending a toilet paper?
who on earth gave 'em the rights to make others suffer?

how can a once-being-cared person's dream be break?
how can a once-being-right person become a dream breaker?
how can the dream breaker think what they've broken is only a piece of cake?

how can a once-being-loved person's heart be hurt?
how can a once-being-kind person become a heart breaker?
how can the heart breaker think what they've, they've ruined is just a piece of shit?

oh damn maybe the answer is just simple
that there's a kind of people in this world
yes they really exist
and won't die out
oh fuck it that makes me sick
cuz they do exist in this damned world
the damned motherfuckin' world...
you dream breaker!
you heart breaker!
you breaker!! (Shouts-out)

03. Pray (Original Sound Track: ‘Prayer’ of Castlevania X)

Written by Lucien
Composed by Konami
Performanced by Leo
Super Art Studio Records

hear my voice, god! hear my will please!
i'd like to give any sacrefice, to earn my soul an eternal peace...
light my path, god! shine upon my way please!
thy bidding, have some mercy on me, i just need a point d'appui!
holy mary, holy moses! amen.

04. Good Girl (Original Sound Track: ‘Awakened Soul’ of Castlevania X)

Written by Ryu the Skyfucker
Composed by Konami
Performanced by Leo
Super Art Studio Records

Hi girl: i dunno where to start,
but anyway, i really aid you in my way..

(Prime Number Count)
two, three, five, seven!
	two, three, five, seven!

everyone has his own bottom of life i think you know that before
unfortunately it seems that right now is your current downfall time oh what's the hell is goin on
yes i know any words now is too pale to even shake your feeling
but i really hope you can handle it..

i know you're so kind a girl
that never ever hurt another one
you're always a good girl aren't you?
but don't bother yourself it may hurt you..

being confused? being trapped?
by your own feelin'? by your inner heart?
the world is enough? give up this stupid mind!
being hurt badly? by a heart breaker...

too bad passion is used to bein' hurt by callosity
it maybe seems silly to try to find a reason exactly
they say that the wounds of heart will be healed in time
as well the pullulation of reinz,
so let's deal with this you good girl c'mon..

having been abandonded? everything becomes nonsense?
only foolin' around? when can this come an end?
the pain shall be legendary? can't forget that once-beloved?
but thing's gonna change, when he became a heart breaker..

without Lethe human cannot live anymore, cuz there're too much pains we can never ever bear
so the only thing we can do is drowning 'em into the abyss of oblivion...

i know you're so good a girl
that never wanna hurt another one
but why do you hurt yourself,
when you're hurt too damn bad?

no one in our world can foresee so there always comes something unexpectable but important for us

so you good girl, be strong!
simply leave 'em fuckin' stupid shits alone!
and break the heart breaker in your heart..

(Prime Number Count)
2 3 5 7		11 13 17 19	21 29 31 37	41 43 47 51	57 59 61 67...	

i know your emotion now is the graveyard of hope
but the sun shall arise no matter how deep the dark is
i believe that the next time we meet
you will smile upon me
without the shadow of that heart breaker

Hi good girl: i dunno how to end this,
but anyway, i really hope i can do you a favor in my way..

05. Heart Breaker (Original Sound Track: ‘Illusionary Dance’ of Castlevania X)

Written by Michael Jackson
Rewritten by Leo
Composed by Komani
Performanced by Big Boy
Super Art Studio Records

That girl you can't take him
should have known he was a heartbreaker 
That girl you can't take him
should have seen right through him he's a heartbreaker 

Deceitful eyes, he's got those come    get her thighs 
she doesn't know how low that    she can go 
he speaks the lines that can con-trol her mind 
Wherever he goes I know her   eyes follow 

That girl you can't take him
should have seen it coming heartbreaker 
That girl you can't take him
should have seen right through him he's a heartbreaker 

he blew a kiss, I swear that   it was meant 
only for her, then spoke with   her body 
his only goal is just to   take control 
And I can't believe that she can't   tell him no 

That girl you can't take him, should
have known he was a heartbreaker 
That girl you can't take him, should have
seen right through him he's a heartbreaker 

he plays a game with such an   innocent face 
she didn't know heartbreaking   was his case 
His actions confess and put her   through the test 
I was surprised that she was   caught inside 

That girl you can't take him, 
should have seen it coming heartbreaker 
That girl you can't take him, should have 
seen right through him he's a heartbreaker 

Now he's thinking that she will   never know 
and he'll keep playing until he   let her go 
But I hope in time that he will finally realize 
she will be onto his game and he'll get played the same 

06. Big Boy Hamlet (Original Sound Track: ‘Sudden Death’ of Worms: World Party)

Written by William Shakespear
Composed by Team17
Performanced by Big Boy
Super Art Studio Records

To be, or not to be, that is the quesion: whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them. To die – to sleep – no more; and by a sleep to say we end the heartache, and the housand natural shocks that flesh is heir to. ‘tis a consummation devoutly to be wished. to die – to sleep. to sleep – perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub! for in that sleep of death what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil, must give us pause. there’s the respect that makes calamity of so long life. For who would bear the whips and scorms of time, the oppressor’s wrong, the proud man’s contumely, the pangs of despised love, the law’s delay, the insolence of office, and the spurns that patient merit of the unworthy takes, when he himself might his quietus make with a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear, to grunt and sweat under a weary life, but that the dread of something after death – the undiscovered conuntry, from whose bourn no traveller returns – puzzles the will, and makes us rather bear those ills we have than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all, and thus the native hue of resolution is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thuoght, and enterprises of great pith and moment with this regard their currents turn away and lose the name of action. – Doft you now! The fair Ophelia! – Nymph, in my orisons be all my sins rememb’red.

07. See ET (Original Sound Track: from Guilty Gear X)

Written by Leo
Composed by Sunny
Performanced by Dr. Doom
Super Art Studio Records

08. Liberi Fatari - Child of Fate (Original Sound Track: ‘Demon Castle Dracula’ of Castlevania X)

Written by Square (Final Fantasy VIII Intro, in Latin)
Composed by Konami
Performanced by Leo
Super Art Studio Records

09. When Math Strikes (Original Sound Track: Credit Theme of Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos)

Written by Dr. Doom
Composed by Blizzard
Performanced by Leo
Super Art Studio Records

10. MA2 - Maths Attacks Again (Original Sound Track: Special Ending Theme of Resident Evil 2)

Written by Dr. Doom
Composed by Capcom
Performanced by Leo
Super Art Studio Records

11. We Don’t Care (Original Sound Track: Remy Theme of Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike)

Written by Dr. Doom
Composed by Capcom
Performanced by Leo
Super Art Studio Records

12. Get it Down (Original Sound Track: Rank Theme of The Typing of the Dead)

Written by Leo
Composed by Sega
Performanced by Big Boy
Super Art Studio Records

End of album “Breaker”. Notice that this album is for Ms. Kitty only, and can be copied or distributed freely. However, all the original sound tracks’ copyrights are belongs to the original artist.

Thanks to these excellent game music composers all over the world! Without you none of this songs could be performanced, you give we players so much fun…


Bonus Tracks:

13. CET (Original Sound Track: ‘Soul Dealer’ of Guilty Gear X)

Written by Leo
Composed by Sunny
Performanced by Dr. Doom
Super Art Studio Records

14. Intentment - MTV version (Original Sound Track: from Detective Conan TV)

Written by Lucien
Performanced by Leo
Super Art Studio Remix

15. Dangerous (Original Sound Track: from Guilty Gear X)

Written by Busta Rhymes
Composed by Sunny
Performanced by Leo
Super Art Studio Records

16. Temperance (Origianl Sound Track: ‘Rollin’ Staff Theme’ of Capcom Vs SNK pro)

Written by Leo
Composed by Capcom
Performanced by Dr. Doom

17. R.M.U. - Rapper Meets Undead f.t. Acolyte & Banshee from Warcraft III

Written by Big Boy
Composed by Blizzard
Performanced by Leo

End of CD Tracks.


Data Track:

breaker\ - Album Breaker by Super Art Studio
Wave\ - Wave backup by Super Art Studio
breaker.txt - This File
other *.txt - Other Lyric in Text File Format

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